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Welcome to The Boat Galley podcast, filled with tips and how-to's to help you sail away into the sunset -- whether for the weekend or forever.

Each episode is filled with information you can act on immediately and there's plenty of encouragement, too. You CAN do this!

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Jan 19, 2023

The adventure to pick up our Amazon package ranged far beyond just actually getting it shipped! 


St John Bus Schedule:

 Red Hook/Cruz Bay Ferry Schedule: 

 Gecko dry bag: 

 Nica email -

 Carolyn email -

Prefer to Read? Check out Mail Call, Island Style. -

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Today's episode of The Boat Galley Podcast is sponsored by Sailrite, the one-stop shop for all your DIY canvas and upholstery projects. From heavy-duty, portable sewing machines to fabric, foam and everything in between, Sailrite’s outstanding customer support and free how-to videos empower you to sew for your boat, home and more. Visit to get started on your DIY journey.

Click to see all podcast sponsors, past and present.

Music: “Slow Down” by Yvette Craig