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Welcome to The Boat Galley podcast, filled with tips and how-to's to help you sail away into the sunset -- whether for the weekend or forever.

Each episode is filled with information you can act on immediately and there's plenty of encouragement, too. You CAN do this!

The Boat Galley website • The Boat Galley Newsletter

Apr 28, 2022

Just 2 ingredients and 2 tools - that’s all that’s needed to make your very own yogurt. 

Links (Amazon links are affiliate links, meaning that The Boat Galley Podcast earns from qualifying purchases; some other links may be affiliate links):

Yogurt Starter Packs (Amazon)

Wide Mouth Thermos (Amazon)


Apr 25, 2022

When you start cruising, you’re going to do all kinds of new things badly. If you accept that from the beginning, you’ll have a much better time.

Subscribe to the Boat Galley Newsletter! 

This episode of The Boat Galley Podcast is sponsored by Marmara Imports.  Their hand loomed, fair trade, organic cotton Turkish...

Apr 21, 2022

Making sure the new paint will stick to the surface is the goal of prepping it well. Sometimes you have to take even new paint off. 

Links (Amazon links are affiliate links, meaning that The Boat Galley Podcast earns from qualifying purchases; some other links may be affiliate links):

Sandpaper (Amazon)


Apr 18, 2022

You can’t just order pizza when you’re hungry and tired but living on the hook. But there are quick and easy meals you can toss together in no time. Here are some ideas to get you thinking.   Links (Amazon links are affiliate links, meaning that The Boat Galley Podcast earns from qualifying purchases; some other...

Apr 14, 2022

The true costs of a project boat shouldn’t be underestimated. Money is one cost. Time is another. Neither should be taken lightly. 

Links (Amazon links are affiliate links, meaning that The Boat Galley Podcast earns from qualifying purchases; some other links may be affiliate links):

This Old Boat, 2nd...