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Welcome to The Boat Galley podcast, filled with tips and how-to's to help you sail away into the sunset -- whether for the weekend or forever.

Each episode is filled with information you can act on immediately and there's plenty of encouragement, too. You CAN do this!

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Feb 27, 2020

Everyone comes back from cruising sometime. What is worth continuing even on land? 


Nica email

Carolyn email

This episode of the Boat Galley Podcast is sponsored by Infinity, the most trusted name in woven vinyl flooring in the marine industry. Since 2008, Infinity has offered boat owners premier flooring options...

Feb 24, 2020

With the boat on the hard, bugs are going to get inside and make a mess. Unless you follow these tips to protect your thru-hulls and keep them out.

Links: (Amazon links are affiliate links, meaning that The Boat Galley Podcast earns from qualifying purchases; some other links may be affiliate links)

Scotch Brite...

Feb 20, 2020

Common advice tells you to calculate your likely electrical needs on the boat. It’s a great starting point. But it doesn’t cover everything you’ll need to power all your needs with solar panels.

Today’s episode of The Boat Galley Podcast is sponsored by Pantry in Paradise. As cruisers, we’ve all experienced...

Feb 17, 2020

A visit with cruising friends brings to mind a valuable and inspiring way to look at life, both afloat and on land.


George Town, Exumas 

Nica email

Carolyn email

TeakGuardToday’s episode of The Boat Galley Podcast is sponsored by TeakGuard, from AllGuard Looking to refinish your boat’s teak with a...

Feb 13, 2020

When space and power are at a premium, consider tools that cover a lot of bases. 

Links (Amazon links are affiliate links, meaning that The Boat Galley Podcast earns from qualifying purchases; some other links may be affiliate links):

Cordless (rechargable) tool set (Amazon)

Cordless drill (Amazon)

Corded oscillating...