Jun 28, 2021
It’s important to water your wet cell batteries to keep them working well. Here’s a system that makes this important job easier.
Links (Amazon links are affiliate links, meaning that The Boat Galley Podcast earns from qualifying purchases; some other links may be affiliate links):
Flow Rite Qwik-Fill 2-battery kit for Group 24, 27, 29 and 31 (Amazon)
Flow Rite Qwik-Fill 1-battery kit for Group 24, 27, 29 and 31 (Amazon)
Flow Rite Pro-Fill Golf Cart 2-Battery Kit (Amazon)
Flow Rite Pump Assembly (one needed no matter how many batteries) — the same pump is used for both 12-volt and golf cart systems (Amazon)
Today’s episode of The Boat
Galley Podcast is sponsored by Aqua Map, the most advanced
navigation app for your tablet or phone. Aqua Map allows for easy
route planning with overlays from ActiveCaptain and the Waterway
Guide. Tides, currents, waypoints, an anchor alarm - it’s all here!
Upgrading to Aqua Map Master brings in all Army Corps of
Engineers survey overlays as well as US Notices to Mariners
and more, invaluable for cruising the ICW and the Bahamas. Find
Aqua Map (careful; no
“s”) wherever you find your apps.
Click to see all podcast sponsors, past and present.
Music: “Slow Down” by Yvette Craig