Oct 15, 2020
Deb Meyer goes into detail about how best to use TeakGuard – make that labor of love be worth it!
Links (Amazon links are affiliate links, meaning that The Boat Galley Podcast earns from qualifying purchases; some other links may be affiliate links):
Blue Bear stripper (Amazon)
Bronze wool (Amazon)
Gloves (Amazon)
Foam brushes (Amazon)
Deb Meyer (send before/after photos!)
Today’s episode of The Boat
Galley Podcast is sponsored by TeakGuard, from AllGuard
Products.com. Looking to refinish your boat’s teak with a minimum
of mess and fuss? Look no further! Our non-toxic, water-based
formulas for cleaning and finish will turn your teak from dingy to
sparkling in no time. Use coupon code BG20 for 15% off your order
of $50 or more. Allguardproducts.com -
admire your teak, not maintain it.
Click to see all podcast sponsors, past and present.
Music: “Slow Down” by Yvette Craig